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April Board Brief

Banner reading "CEC Board Brief" followed by the date of the Board meeting, April 17, 2021

Welcome to Board Brief, a summary of recent decisions and actions from the CEC Board of Directors. The following is a brief summary of key outcomes from the April 17, 2021, Board of Directors meeting:

  • Approved a motion to add an Affiliate Membership. CEC operates as a professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of children and youth with disabilities and/or gifts and talents. However, there may be a market for others (e.g., parents) who do not fall into the current membership categories that may find value in the offerings provided by CEC, its Units, and Divisions. To qualify for this membership category, a person could not be actively employed in the field of education/special education or a field where the focus of work is directly tied to education or special education. Affiliate members would not have the right to vote or serve in a leadership position. A 60-day member comment period is required on any proposed amendments to the Bylaws. Members can submit comments by 11:59pm EST, June 20, 2021. If the motion passes, Units and Divisions would have the option to add an Affiliate Membership as well.
  • Approved recommendations intended to increase member participation in the CEC election, including:
    • Initiating two “Calls to Action” – one to learn about the candidates, the other to vote
    • Encouraging CEC Units and Divisions to promote the elections by providing election toolkits
    • Familiarizing members with the role and work of the board by elevating it in member communications.
  • Approved a revised campaigning policy for CEC Board elections. The new policy allows candidates for the CEC Board of Directors to network with colleagues to inform them of their candidacy and seek their support; participate in CEC planned activities provided to inform CEC members of all the candidates; and respond to Unit and Division questions that their constituents deem important, which could be published. Candidate’s supporters, including Units and Divisions, may communicate about their support for a candidate(s).
  • Board members facilitated small focus groups to help inform an upcoming revision to CEC’s Strategic Plan. Participants were centered around “professional role” (e.g., Teacher 1-5 years, 6-10 years, 11+ years, administrators, graduate students) and asked to share their views on the next 5-7 years in the field and what CEC can do to support them in their role.
  • The board received updates on their activities from the President, President Elect, and Executive Director. The Treasurer’s report included year-end projections. Financials are provided to the board monthly.
  • To help CEC board members, in a consistent manner, avoid conflicts of interest while serving on an “umbrella” board with Units and Divisions whose priorities may not always align with those of CEC, the board approved a motion to prohibit members of the CEC Board of Directors from serving in any member-elected position on a unit/division board (e.g., the governing body) or committee while serving on the CEC board if there is more than one year left to their term.
  • Accepted recharter applications from the Professional Standards and Practice Committee and its Knowledge and Skills Subcommittee. No changes were proposed to the charges of either. Board-established advisory committees must submit a recharter application every three years to determine whether there is a continued need for the committee and, if so, determine if the committee is effectively performing to meet that need.
  • The board made the following CEC Committee appointments:
    • Convention Program Co-Chair for CEC 2022 and 2023: Lisa Dieker, Ph.D., University of Central Florida
    • Publications Committee Co-Chairs: Don Christman, M.A., Assistant Superintendent, Lockwood (MT) School District, and Brittany Hott, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Special Education, University of Oklahoma, Norman
    • Student and Early Career Committee Chair: Travis Cooper, M.Ed., Secondary Special Education Teacher, Kodiak (AK) Middle School & Kodiak Remote Learning, Kodiak Island Borough School District
  • Approved the name change of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD) Division to the Division of Emotional and Behavioral Health (DEBH). The intent of change is for the name to be more future-facing, less stigmatizing, and more appealing to a broader membership.

Questions? Contact CEC Executive Director Chad Rummel.

Posted:  29 April, 2021

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