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Tools and Resources

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) has the tools and resources special education professionals need.

CEC has something for everyone, giving you a variety of tools and educational resources to help you navigate your career, confront challenges, and provide the best possible support for children and youth with exceptionalities. 

CEC Store

Books for sale on a table

Browse our online Store for books, CEC publications, and other special education resources from the leading experts in the field.

Life Centered Education Transition Curriculum

Exhibit for Life Centered Education

An all-in-one set of 1,200 transition lesson plans with related tests, CEC’s Life Centered Education (LCE) is a fully online, secure transition curriculum that students and teachers can engage with 24/7.

CEC Publications

Woman shopping for books

From two award-winning research journals to ground-breaking publications, CEC publishes and distributes products to help special and gifted educators work more effectively both in and out of the classroom.

Resource Library

Two women working on a project together

Looking for resources to help you do your job better and improve student outcomes? The free resources featured in our Resource Library have got you covered.

Career Center

Man in suit holding a CEC document

Our Career Center is your one-stop shop for resources, information, and job listings to boost your career. Find a job, post your resume, and explore practical content for special educators like you.

CECommunity All-Member Forum

Man looking at white laptop

The CECommunity is your platform to connect with your peers online. Join in on the conversation, ask questions, and exchange ideas with the people who understand what it means to support students with exceptionalities every day. 

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