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Department of Education Issues Student-Driven Solutions to Chronic Absenteeism

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) has issued the Attendance Champions Challenge to encourage schools and nonprofit organizations to involve youth aged 13 to 19 in finding new ways to understand and address barriers to school attendance and engagement.

This initiative aligns with the Biden-Harris Administration’s 2024 Student Achievement Agenda and the Department’s "Raise The Bar" Initiative, both of which focus on boosting student attendance and fostering stronger connections between schools, students, and families.

Chronic absenteeism in the U.S., defined as missing 10 percent or more of school days (roughly 18 days per year), has surged since the COVID-19 pandemic and research shows that missing significant classroom time hinders academic success and timely graduation. In the 2021-22 school year, nearly 15 million students were chronically absent, with two-thirds of K-12 students attending schools where at least 20 percent of the student body missed too many days.

To address this widespread issue, the Department has released new evidence-based resources and is calling for innovative, youth-driven approaches, particularly focusing on groups whose performance is most directly impacted by low attendance.

Learn More About the Attendance Champion Challenge

Posted:  13 September, 2024

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